Printable Halloween Masks
Printable halloween masks - part of my collection of halloween printables for you to print out this Fall.
Instructions for Making your Mask
Use strong card. Once you've chosen your mask, set up the printer. Each mask is created for letter size card, so if you are printing on A4, be aware that it might be quite large. Make sure that the page set up is set to portrait for the skulls and landscape for the pumpkins and owl. If you are printing for a small child, try to scale down the image slightly, so that it doesn't come out too large.
Cut out the mask and the eye holes. I haven't added holes for the string or elastic, because I have found that it looks and lasts better if you attach the elastic on the back with tape (preferably a few pieces). Measure your elastic, make a knot at each end and tape onto the back of the mask with the knot facing inwards. There you are - you're ready to go scare someone!
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